Sunday 6 October 2013

Peer Analysis


How was the use of camera shots?
Use of editing?
Use of lighting?
Overall success of video
 Megan and James B.
  The camera shots for their clip, was very accurate to the original. Although in a few shots the camera is quite shaky, and a few of the movements are incorrect. The final shot, which was a high angle was very impressive.
Very few transitions were used and no noticeable effects used.
By adding video effects and more transitions, the clip would be more accurate to the original.
 Only natural light was used as the clip was filmed in an outside setting, like the original.
 Overall, the camera shots were very accurate. But the use of editing could have been extended to help match the clip more closely to the original.
Dominic and Lara.
 The camera shots were similar to those in the original clip. However, a few were missing and in the wrong order. The camera was also quite shaky in the first shot.
 An effect was used to create a cartoon-like feel to it, similar to the one in the original.
No transitions were used.
 Only natural light was used as the clip was filmed in an outside setting, like the original.
 Overall, the clip was very similar to the original. But by adding transitions, this would have made the clip more accurate to the original.
Ben F,
Ben S, and Charlotte.
Most of the camera shots were very similar to the original. Although a few of the frames were incorrect. Also the camera was quite shaky in parts.
A cartoon-like effect was successfully used, making the clip very accurate. A good use of transitions also helped make the clip very similar to the original.  
 Only natural light was used as the clip was filmed in an outside setting, like the original.
 Overall, the clip was very successful, as there was a good use of effects, and very accurate camera shots. However, the clip could be improved by making the camera more steady in parts, and using a few more transitions.
 James C, Emma and Becky.
The camera shots were very successful, and matched the original ones. The high angle shot was the most impressive, only one other group  attempted this.
A video effect was used to create a cartoon-like feel to it, similar to the original. No transitions used in their clip.
 Only natural light was used as the clip was filmed in an outside setting, like the original.
 Overall, I think the clip was very similar to the original, and the camera shots were very impressive. Although, I think that by adding transitions, this would have made the clip more accurate.

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