Monday 7 October 2013

Analysis of Jurassic Park opening scene.

Sound - The clip opens with the sound of wildlife; crickets etc. This makes the viewer realise that for now everything is calm, even before we can see the setting. However, it has an eerie whistling to it, making us think that the calmness is soon to be interrupted, and something rather sinister is going to happen. The calm sound is soon dominated by a loud thudding noise. The thudding noise is repeated several times, and then followed by rustling of trees giving us the impression that something extremely big is heading towards us. While the crate is being lowered and the men are gathering around, a diegetic noise is added with quite a short and fast beat it, creating a slight suspense for the viewers. The growling of the creature inside the crate has been defined, to make us understand that it is most likely going to be aggressive. As the gate is being opened another diegetic sound is used. But the mood of the music contrasts with what follows in the clip. The pitch gets higher making the viewers think that their plan was successful. But the pitch soon drops when everything goes wrong. The tempo of the music becomes quite fast, showing us the panic. We also hear one of the men shout "shoot her!" several times, this also gives us the impression of panic. All of the background sounds fade out, leaving the gunshots extremely loud. They are the last thing we hear from that scene. It then suddenly cuts to another scene. The sound of the gunshots overlap the two, and then it suddenly goes back the calm sound of wildlife. This helps show us that the creature is dead and the panic is over.

Camera (FAM) -  The first camera shot we see is a CU close up of the rustling bushes. The shot is filmed at a low angle and the movement of the camera isn't very steady. This gives us the impression that what we are seeing may be from somebodies view. The next shot is a close up of a mans face, to show us his emotion, in this case, fear. This may be the character that we were seeing the view from in the first shot. The shots flick back and fourth numerous of times from the bushes to a MS medium shot of the characters. I feel that this give us the impression that it's them vs. whatever is rustling the branches. The next shot shows several of male figures, but slowly zooms into one particular character. This gives the viewers the impression that he is the leader of the group, and may play an important role in the film. As the camera gets closer to the character, it slightly tilts up. This also gives the impression that he is higher in the group, as it makes us feel like he is bigger than us. As the crate is being moved, the camera pans around it, showing us that it is completely sealed. The next shot is from the creatures view, this shows us that the crate isn't empty, and it contains some sort of living thing. At 2:30 there is another shot from the creatures view, this shows us that it is aware that the man is climbing on top. It also makes us realise that the creature isn't focused on being set free - which was the original plan - it is focused on the people around. As the man falls, the camera follows. This is a still shot to show us the emotion on the characters face. We then see a LS long shot, this shows us what is going on around the man on the floor. It also shows us panic. At 3:11 we see a close up of one of the characters eyes, it is then followed by a close up of the creatures. This also gives us the impression that it is the men against the creature. We then see a close up of the mans hand as it slowly gives up trying. This shows us that the man is dead.

Costumes - The majority of the characters are dressed in green uniform, and wearing orange hats with the logo 'Jurassic Park'. However, only one character is dressed differently, with a different hat and coloured uniform. This makes us realise that he is higher up to all the others.

Lighting - The lighting is extremely dark as the scene was filmed at night. The darkness represents bad, giving us expectations that something is going to happen. In a lot of shots there seems to be a lot of bright lights, shining towards the camera. Leaving only the outline of the characters. In other shots the bright lights help show us the characters faces. But the lights make the setting rather mysterious as we struggle to see past them.

Actors - All the actors seem to be men. This is a typical cliché that only men can do this sort of job.

Make-up -  In this clip there doesn't seem to be any noticeable make-up. Other than when the man falls onto the ground, his face is covered in dust as well as his hands.

Props - The majority of the men are carrying guns, this shows us that it is a serious task and what ever is in the crate may be aggressive. This also shows that the film is more likely to be an action, adventure, thriller, or even horror. The crate is fully sealed and we cant see what is inside, this creates a mysterious feel, as we don't know what it contains. The men use taser guns to stop the creature, but the sparks disorientate the viewers as we cant see what is going on.

Setting - The setting remains mysterious, as the lights and smoke block out the surroundings. This also helps disorientate the audience as we cant see where it is set. It also makes the audience ask many enigma codes. The only thing we can really see is trees surrounding the place, this gives us the impression that it is in the middle of no where.

Effects - There doesn't seem to be any effects other than one dissolving transition, connecting the two scenes together. This helps give us the impression that the following scene is based on after the incident.

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