Thursday 28 November 2013

Divided storyboard

Shooting Schedule

Day 1:

Location: Galleywood Common: morning to mid-afternoon (10am-2pm) – Shot numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, 17. Actors needed = Sarah, Dom, James. Props = Hoodie, and rope.

Sarah’s house afternoon (3pm-5pm) - Shot numbers, 14, 15. Actors needed = Megan. Props needed = Leaves, bath, make-up.

James’ house evening (6pm-7pm) - Shot numbers 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 18, 21. Actors needed = James. Props needed = Bed.

Day 2:

Location: Galleywood Common: mid-morning to afternoon (12pm-2pm) - Shot numbers 8,9,11. Actors needed = Hattie. Props = Rose basket.

YouTube Clip - Shot number 22

Thursday 7 November 2013


After deciding with my group (Dom and James) to take this idea for 'Divided' forward and use it for our opening scene, Dom came up with the idea to do something similar to the opening sequence for the program 'Homeland'. The opening sequence is based on her conscious mind, and we thought this would link to our film perfectly. So our opening scene is going to be similar to this, but inside his dreams. We are going to involve photographs and clips of each alta. We are also going to include a few second clips of a murder, as this will show the genre and help explain what the film may be about without giving too much away.

Click on the link below to view the opening scene for Homeland.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Synopsis planning

For our opening sequence, we want it to open inside Christophers dream. We are going to show him wondering through the woods with quick snippets of the different altas, and the dead body in the lake.
We shots of the different altas walking through the woods will be quick, as this will help show the confusion that christopher is going through. The last few seconds will be of christopher waking up in his bed, as this will explain to the audience that it was a dream.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Film Pitch: Divided

Over the holidays, our class were given a task to create a film pitch based on whatever genre we wanted. We would then be put into groups to create our final opening scene. Using our ideas that we came up with over the half term, we would chose amongst us which film we would like to base our opening scene on. This is my film called 'Divided' which I shall present to my group once returned to school as an idea.

Hurtwood school, Inner Evil

After watching many different opening scenes for the genre thriller, this impressed me the most. I really liked how it opened with quite a happy and peaceful song, but then led to a disturbing shot of a girl laying dead. I also liked how they made the same girl twice in one shot. The genre is easily identified as thriller with the help of the music. The narratives itself is good, as it creates many enigma codes such as, why does her inner self want to kill her? where was her body at the beginning? how did it come to that? will she die? etc. Each camera shot was very steadily controlled. I would mark this 55 out of 60.
I think that this sequence could even be improved by maybe adding some dialogue.

Grease Title Sequence


This is the title sequence for the film Grease:
T1 - Institution 0:01-0:04
T2 - Film title/Production company 0:28-0:32
T3 - Leading actor 0:41-0:45
T4 - Leading actress 1:13-1:16
T5 - Supporting actress 1:37-1:39
T6 - Supporting actor 2:02-2:04
T7 - Actors 2:08-2:13
T8 - Actresses 2:16-2:21
T9 - Music supervisor 2:27-2:30
T10- Music and Lyrics by 2:32-2:33
T11 - Associate producer 2:33-2:35
T12 - Produced on the Broadway show by/In association with 2:36-2:38
T13 - Editor 2:38-2:42
T14 - Production designer 2:43-2:46
T15 - Director of photography 2:47-2:51
T16 - Makers of the original musical 2:51-2:55
T17 - Screenplay/Adaption by 2:56-2:58
T18 - Producers 2:59-3:02
T19 - Director 3:06-3:08

The bubbly music immediately gives away an idea that this is either going to be a musical or a romantic comedy. Seconds into the sequence we realise that this is going to be about school life, as the radio says "first day of school". The sequence has been animated but it includes a lot to do with the film, such as the cars, T-bird jackets, Rydell flags and the hair wax. It also gives us an idea on the type of characters they are such as the first character caring about the way he looks and his hair, whilst the next is surrounded by animals like snow white, this shows us that she is going to be kind natured. I think that using an animated sequence was very successful as it makes the audience excited to meet the characters.